Dear community,
San Diegans for Justice is a political action committee (PAC) dedicated to meeting the needs of the San Diego grassroots community for structural change and reform. And to keep doing our work, SDJ is asking you, our partners in justice, to help us build a sustainable and strong financial base.
Introducing: The Justice Collective.
The Justice Collective is a monthly recurring donation program to support SDJ & its work.
As the only long-term, community-based, grassroots PAC in San Diego, fighting to tip the political scales in the people’s direction, our biggest strength is in our numbers. With this monthly donation program, we can turn this strength into collective power to fight for criminal, electoral, and economic justice throughout San Diego and beyond.
Participation is voluntary and none of our action items, voter education efforts, or resources will ever be behind a pay wall. We are committed to building a movement accessible to all, while balancing the costs of running a sustainable, county-wide organization.
As always, we want to be as transparent as possible, so if we haven’t convinced you yet, here is a partial list of our expenses and what it takes to run this PAC:
Creation and maintenance of our website
Email & social media programs
Policy and legal research
Political treasury, accounting, & filing fees
Organizing & community outreach
Expert policy analysis
Lawyer retention
And this doesn’t include our newest initiatives which we hope to fully fund in the next year:
Economic policy educational programming
Reforming CLERB (the county law enforcement review board)
Candidate recruitment and training program
But we can’t do any of this alone.
We are asking you all to make a monthly donation of $12 or more to join the Justice Collective and help us unravel systems of injustice and build collective power.
Thank you for being in partnership with us.
In solidarity,
Andrea & Maresa